quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2007

Se pensar na série Sex and The City, eu sou a Carrie. Acho que sim. Voltei a ver a série completa, e ocorreu-me o mesmo pensamento: eu sei quem é o meu Mr. Big. Sem dúvida nenhuma... Depois de várias relações, ele é especial... Provavelmente o único capaz de me resgatar depois de vários anos, e para o qual eu voltaria.

O meu Mr. Big é a minha Paixão, a origem deste blog...
Concordando com um amigo, eu não acredito que tenho apenas uma alma gémea.
Mas acredito que tenho apenas um Mr. Big...
Será o meu final com o meu Mr. Big igual à ficção?
O futuro dirá...

quarta-feira, agosto 22, 2007


1. badly behaved; "a naughty girl"

2. suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip" [syn: blue]

3. describes a bad girl who needs to be punished (usually by fucking her), or a lady who wears tight, revealing clothing. Can also apply to a female who is into bondage.

4. A way of describing something in way that shouldn't be good, and yet somehow is.

segunda-feira, agosto 20, 2007


1. feeling great sexual desire; "feeling horny" [syn: aroused]
2. having horns or hornlike projections; "horny coral"; "horny (or horned) frog"
3. made of horn (or of a substance resembling horn) [syn: corneous]

"lustful, sexually aroused," definitely in use 1889, perhaps attested as early as 1863; from late 18c. slang expression to have the horn, suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well)

I'm feeling horny...

sábado, agosto 18, 2007

I want to feel butterflies in my stomach again...
I want the passion
I want the stupid smile of happiness
I want the anxiety of wainting
I want the drama
I want it all!
All over again...

I want butterflies...

quarta-feira, agosto 15, 2007

I like her. I like him.
She's naughty. He's fakely shy.
They like each other.
Do they like me?
They should...
I'm horny. We could have fun.
We would have fun... together.

terça-feira, agosto 14, 2007

There are several good protections again temptations, but the surest is cowardice.

Mark Twain

sexta-feira, agosto 03, 2007

"If sex doesn't scare the cat,
you're not doing it right."